ATP (Adenoside Triphosphate) testing is the same process that hospitals, labs, and restaurants use to maintain standards of cleanliness by detecting the presence of harmful bacteria and pathogens on surfaces.
ATP is a type of molecule found in all living things from bacteria and fungi to plants, animals, and people. It is responsible for storing and transferring energy, and is created by the breakdown of organic matter. If we detect ATP on a surface, then it is an indicator that there is active bacterial growth. Because germs are too small to see, a surface can look clean, but is actually covered in an invisible bio-film of bacteria that could be harmful to your health.
ATP is measured using a naturally occurring enzyme called luciferace, which is the chemical that creates the bioluminescence in fireflies and jellyfish. When luciferace encounters Adenosine Triphosphate, light photons are released. A surface sample is collected from a non-porous material with a swab and placed in the luminometer, which then measures the amount of light emitted from the sample in RLU or Relative Light Units. More light = More contamination.
We conduct ATP testing before, during, and after every biohazard cleanup to locate biohazard contamination, monitor progress, and to verify our work. Many biohazard cleanup sites in Arizona start with very high levels of ATP, especially if there was an unattended death. It is our goal to meet or exceed the cleanliness standards set by the health department so you can rest assured that your home or business will be safe to enter.
If you live in Phoenix, Scottsdale, Tucson, or surrounding areas of Arizona and your home was the site of an unattended death, you can count on the IICRC-Certified techncians at BioteamAZ to make sure your property is disinfected.