We have had many calls of late by folks who either have a situation and do not know what to do or people that have used a carpet cleaner or restoration company, they didn’t get the job right, and now need help.
Not all situations are very cut and dry that you need a professional’s help. I will say anything with blood or body matter or fluid, requires a licensed and trained cleanup company such as BioTeamAZ. Most people know this, but have questions about other situations.
Many questions arise in the case of hoarding or animal hoarding. If you read this and question whether or not you need a professional to cleanup one of these types of situations, the answer the majority of the time is yes.
Hoarding presents many dangers that people are simply uneducated on. Whether it be family, social workers, or first responders, a professional biohazard team needs to be at least notified to ensure the safety of all who enter the residence.
Many times hoarding cases involved the hoarding of animals. This requires a licensed cleanup team and licensed transporter. Animal feces and animal bedding is considered a biohazard and needs to be treated and disposed of in the appropriate manner.
The fact is, if you are reading this and have any questions about whether you need professional assistance and what needs to be done or what hazards are present, then you need to call us. For this reason, we answer the phone 24 hours a day and are always open to provide service or simply answer a question.