We offer both 24 hour and 7 day Indoor Air Quality and Mold test results, and we can help guide you through the process of decontamination.
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March 24, 2025
March 3, 2025
February 19, 2025
Mold and Indoor Air Quality Testing Services
We offer both 24 hour and 7 day Indoor Air Quality and Mold test results, and we can help guide you through the process of decontamination.
What Happens When Adult Protective Services is Called?
When concerns of elder abuse arise, Adult Protective Services (APS) can play a vital role in helping protect vulnerable [...]
Why ATP Testing is Critical for Biohazard Cleanup
We conduct ATP testing before, during, and after every biohazard cleanup to locate biohazard contamination, monitor progress, and to verify our work.
Why Hire an IICRC-Certified Company for Biohazard Cleanup?
When dealing with biohazard cleanup, it is crucial to hire a company certified by the IICRC to guarantee that the job is handled with expertise and adherence to strict safety standards.
What Is Biohazard Cleanup?
Biohazard cleanup is a niche of the restoration industry that often raises a lot of questions. Whether you are facing a traumatic event or seeking information to understand the process better, we hope to provide clarity.
Where To Start When a Family Member Has Passed
Grief and stress after the loss of a loved one can be overwhelming. When the death is unexpected or the [...]
How to Obtain a Death Certificate in Arizona During Biohazard Cleanup
This guide will walk you through the process of obtaining a death certificate in Arizona, including information on how a biohazard cleanup service can provide support during this challenging period.
9 Common Misconceptions About Biohazard Cleanup
When it comes to biohazard cleanup, there's a lot of misinformation out there. In this blog post, we'll discuss several common misconceptions about biohazard cleanup that could potentially put your health and safety at risk.
Tucson Gunman Kills 3, Injures 3 in shooting spree
A horrific event took place less than two weeks ago when a Tucson gunman killed three people and injured three others. In a series of senseless, violent acts, countless lives were shattered and heroes stepped forward to help those in danger at risk to themselves.
Show Low, AZ: Driver Hits Cyclists and is Then Shot by Police
When tragedies occur involving blood and other bodily fluids, crime scene cleaners are called in to clean up the scene so public streets are free of all biohazards and safe for the wider public.
Biohazard Cleanup After a Shooting in Prescott Valley
Amid life’s tragedies, BioTeamAZ is the trusted Prescott Valley biohazard cleanup company that will be there to clean up the mess left behind so you can move forward in safety.
Crime Scene Cleanup in Avondale After Man Shot and Killed
Accidents and violence can happen anywhere and anytime. Knowing this, BioteamAZ is always available around the clock to dispatch teams of professional biohazard cleaners to anywhere throughout the Avondale area and the larger state of Arizona.
Crime Scene Cleanup in Glendale After A Man Shot Dead
BioteamAZ is always here to serve the community of Glendale, Arizona for crime scene cleanup by fully removing any [...]
Arizona COVID-19 Cases on the Rise
After a large rise and fall in people being infected with coronavirus in June and July, we are currently experiencing another upward trend when over the last 14 days, 11 of them have had caseloads over 1,000 people.
Deadly Shooting in Chandler
It is a sad reality that sometimes people make horrible choices and take the life of another person. When that happens, our staff at BioteamAZ are always there to clean up the aftermath so no one else has to suffer harmful effects of the biohazards at the crime scene.
Arizona Biohazard Cleaning Company Uses Unmarked Vehicles
When our biohazard cleaning crew from BioteamAZ pulls up to your Arizona home or business, it will always be in an unmarked vehicle driven by people in plain uniforms.
Suicide in Cave Creek
Especially in recent months with the upheaval around COVID-19, lost jobs, and political unrest, it can be hard to see the end of the tunnel when we will recover a new sense of normalcy.
Suicides in Arizona Amidst the COVID-19 Pandemic
For everyone in Phoenix and throughout Arizona, we are all dealing with the new reality of living with COVID-19 in some form or another. From lost jobs, grieving loved ones, canceled events, and self-isolation, our lives are each effected in some way.
Murder-Suicide in South Phoenix
Whenever a crime is committed needing biohazard cleanup, BioTeamAZ is there for those left behind to make sure the area is cleaned up and the infected materials are properly disposed of.
Hepatitis A Poses Threat to Homeless Camps
Whenever a crime is committed needing biohazard cleanup, BioTeamAZ is there for those left behind to make sure the area is cleaned up and the infected materials are properly disposed of.
Phoenix Heat Speeds Up the Decomposition Process
How decomposed that body is when found depends on many factors including hot and cold temperatures. Out here under our desert sun where it is hot for long periods of the year, bodies tend to decompose faster and create more needed cleanup when found.
Arizona Measles Outbreak Awareness
With the measles outbreak continuing to grow across the US, people in Arizona are at great risk for catching the disease. Whenever a critical mass of people in a population are vaccinated against a disease, typically 95%, it is difficult for a disease to get a foothold and spread.
How to Clean up After Your Dog Contracts Giardia or Parvo
For any dog lover, seeing our pets suffer from diseases such as giardia and parvo is difficult. Both dangerous to our dog’s health, giardia and parvo are also extremely infectious and difficult to eradicate from our homes and yards.
Is Human Feces a Biohazard?
When taking a walk, we all know not to touch any animal feces we come across but don’t think twice about cleaning up after our own pets. In the same way, we don’t hesitate to clean up after our family but wouldn’t touch any feces if we were cleaning up after a homeless camp or a trashed rental.
The Warning Signs of Teen Suicide
Whenever we at BioteamAZ are called to clean up after a suicide, especially a teen suicide, our hearts break for the victim and for their families and friends.
Cleaning up Blood After Road Rage in Glendale, AZ
Though Glendale, Arizona is generally a safe city, unfortunate incidents such as road rage, stolen vehicles, and accidents occur when blood and other bodily fluids are spilled in a car.
Prank Calling About a Murder Has Serious Consequences
In a recent news report, a Prescott Valley resident and owner of a crime scene cleaning business called one of his crime scene cleaning competitors to request a cleaning after “killing his wife.”
How Do You Rehome Animals from an Animal Hoarded House in Phoenix?
Rescuing animals from a hoarding situation can seem overwhelming due to the number of pets and the difficulty of helping the hoarder realize that surrendering their pets is the best thing for them.
How Do I Handle a Death in Sun City From Out of State?
It can be difficult to deal with a loved one’s death when they die in one state and you live in another state. One of the first steps is to find a company that can provide death cleanup services in Sun City.
Who Does Death Cleanup in Tucson?
If someone has died in your Tucson home or business, you need professional death cleanup services to make sure the area is cleaned, decontaminated, and sanitized so it’s free of all biohazards and truly clean.
Phoenix Hoarding Cleanup Estimates are Free
While each hoarding category has similar issues in the house, no two hoarded houses are the same. Since every hoarding situation is different, there aren’t any real set costs for cleaning up a hoarded home.
Who Cleans Up HIV/AIDS Infected Blood?
If you need to clean up HIV or AIDS infected blood, regular household cleaning products are not enough to decontaminate and disinfect any areas which have been exposed to the HIV/AIDS virus.
Does the Scottsdale Police Department Clean Up After a Crime Scene?
When we hear of a crime occurring in the news, we often think of the victims, the police, the detectives, and the pain of losing a loved one.
Do You Need a Hazmat or Biohazard Cleanup Company?
When you are facing a dangerous situation in your home or business needing cleanup right away, you want to be sure the company you hire is well-trained and experienced in the type of cleanup needing to be done.
How to Prevent Heat Stroke in the Arizona Heat
With temperatures in Arizona rising quickly toward the sweltering summer heat, now is a good time to remind ourselves to check in with family, friends, and neighbors to make sure they are staying cool in the rising heat.
Mesa, AZ How to Deal with a Dead Body
When someone has died by themselves without anyone else knowing about their passing, the dead body can quickly decompose, particularly in the high heat of Mesa, Arizona, leaving dangerous biohazardous waste behind throughout the structure.
Best MRSA Cleanup Company in Gilbert, AZ
In recent news, a family came face-to-face with a bacterial infection known as MRSA in Gilbert, Arizona. A dangerous disease, four-year old Joshua became infected with the bacteria while he had tubes in his ears to treat his chronic ear infections.
What is Swedish Death Cleaning?
In a book that’s just been released, The Gentle Art of Swedish Death Cleaning: How to Free Yourself and Your Family from a Lifetime of Clutter by Margareta Magnusson, the author describes a new kind of decluttering called Swedish Death Cleaning.
What Is Hoarding | Definition, Diagnosis, & Treatment Options
It is usually painfully obvious when someone is hoarding, but a hoarder shouldn’t be confused with a collector or ordinary pack rat. A collector usually selects a single item or theme of items that they search for and collect responsibly.
What Is A Hoarder | Hoarding Disorder & Those Effected By It
A hoarder can be quickly overwhelmed by the obsessive-compulsive desire to find, buy, or otherwise acquire worthless items. Though these items can quite literally be anything.
What Causes Hoarding | Risk Factors & Triggers For Hoarding
While hoarding can occur in anyone without regard for race, age, sex, or economic status hundreds of cases of hoarding have been documented and compared to create a list of risk factors and warning signs for compulsive hoarding behavior.
Signs Of Hoarding Disorder | Hoarder Risk Factors & Warning Signs
oarding is an indiscriminate disorder that can befall anyone without regard for gender, age, or social status. While the cause of hoarding is still undetermined, experts have compiled a list of common factors that seem to target those at risk for the hoarding.
Levels Of Hoarding | Hoarding Disorder Severity Ranking
Hoarding is an indiscriminate disorder that can befall anyone without regard for gender, age, or social status. While the cause of hoarding is still undetermined, experts have compiled a list of common factors that seem to target those at risk for hoarding.
How To Help A Hoarder Get Back To A Happier & Healthier Life
Hoarders usually are completely unaware that they have a problem. Even if a hoarder’s “collection” has overtaken their homes and made it completely unlivable, most hoarders are still convinced that their possessions have value and use or will in the future.
Hoarding Treatment Options | General Therapy & Medications
Diagnosing a hoarder can be very difficult because compulsive hoarders often don’t even know that they have a problem. Moreover, hoarders are often defensive or even combative when their behavior is called into question.
Hoarding Disorder | An Explanation Of Hoarding & Hoarders
Hoarding disorder can affect men and women of any age or financial status. In fact, it is currently unclear among the experts what specifically may trigger hoarding disorder.
Hoarding Definition, Warnings, Symptoms, & Advice For Hoarders
Hoarding is a specific subset of obsessive compulsive disorder. One suffering from the condition compulsively collects items, usually storing them in them in their own home.
Hoarding Clean Up | Tips For Cleaning Up Years Of Accumulation
The first and most difficult step is actually starting the job. Many may immediately feel overwhelmed by the sheer scope of hoarding clean up.
Hoarders Anonymous | Online Hoarder Support & Counselling Program
The Shulman Center in Franklin, Michigan was founded by renowned addictions therapist Terrence Shulman in an effort to help and support those suffering from disorders such as kleptomania, shopping addiction, and of course, compulsive hoarders.
Animal Hoarding & Serious Potential Health Hazards Involved
Normally people who are called “hoarders” are known to collect trash, junk, and other useless or valueless items. Animal hoarding, however, is very different for the normal set of obsessive hoarding behaviors.
How To Clean Up Blood & Bodily Fluids
Small areas of blood and other bodily fluids can be easily cleaned up but require a little extra attention to personal protection and detail. It is generally taught that universal precautions should be used when cleaning up fluids.
How To Clean Up A Crime Scene
Unfortunately, after a murder or other serious violent crime, the police and investigators do not have a special unit that comes in to clean up the scene. While some departments may work closely with crime scene cleaning services and may be able to offer referrals, the responsibility of cleaning the crime scene falls to the property owner.
How Do You Clean Up Blood
The most important thing to keep in mind when cleaning up blood is to act quickly. Once blood begins to congeal and dry it becomes difficult to clean, and it’s almost impossible to remove set-in blood stains.
Who Cleans Up a Homicide in Phoenix?
Unbeknownst to many people, the cleanup of a crime scene or homicide in Phoenix, Arizona isn’t taken care of by the police or crime scene unit, instead, the responsibility is left to the property owner.
Who Cleans Up A Blood Spill In Phoenix, AZ?
Whether the blood spill is a result of the aftermath of a crime scene, homicide, or merely a minor accident, blood being a biohazardous material should be treated with caution and cleaned up by a certified professional.
Who Cleans Up A Suicide In Phoenix, AZ?
For starters, as you may have discovered, the police do not take responsibility for the clean-up of a suicide. Once the crime scene investigators have taken evidence and the police have closed the case, they then leave the responsibility of cleaning up the suicide to the property owner of where the suicide took place.
Who Cleans Up Biohazard Waste In Phoenix?
Biohazard wastes are biological agents or conditions which can be extremely harmful to humans or the environment. This means that they must be handled with extreme caution, disposed of properly, and the contaminated area must be thoroughly cleaned and decontaminated.
Who Cleans Up After Murders?
Though it is not unheard of for law enforcement officials to clean the area for a variety of official reasons, as a general rule, they do not shoulder that responsibility.
What is a spill kit?
ven under the strictest adherence to safety guidelines, hazardous material may spill or leak. Spill kits are general clean-up kits designed to contain everything you need to safely clean up and remove a particular chemical, biohazardous material or substance.
How to use a spill kit
Spill kits can vary greatly depending on the material they were designed to clean. A simple spill kit may consist of little more than an absorbent dust or pad to place on a liquid spill in order to solidify it for a broom and dustpan
Do Police Clean Up Crime Scenes
The traumatic experience of a homicide, suicide, or criminal injury can be overwhelming, but on top of all that, you have to deal with the cleanup. When dealing with a crime scene, the police and crime scene investigators will come in, take evidence, and investigate the area, at which point they’ll leave the rest up to you.
Crime Scene Clean Up Cost
Unfortunately, after a crime scene has been investigated and evidence has been taken, the police will then return the area back to the owners and take no responsibility in regards to the cleanup.
What Is Biohazardous Waste?
Being exposed to biohazardous waste can be very harmful to your health and it’s important to avoid it where possible. There are many different forms of biohazardous waste and many types are unknown to many people, therefore it’s important to understand what biohazardous waste is and the different types that exist to avoid harm to yourself or others.
Who Cleans Up After A Crime Scene?
Crime scenes, deaths or injuries often times result in contamination of the scene with biohazardous materials such as blood, bodily fluids, or toxins. Unfortunately, the police do not clean up after a crime scene or even offer any assistance in the matter.
Who Removes Dead Animals From Homes
As you may have already learned, animal control will only come out if the animal poses an immediate threat and unfortunately they don’t consider a dead animal a threat.
When do you need a professional?
We have had many calls of late by folks who either have a situation and do not know what to do or people that have used a carpet cleaner or restoration company, they didn’t get the job right, and now need help.
Call for Service, Help or even a Question or two
Thanks to those who read this blog and follow the advice I provide through other media. If you are reading this blog for the first time and the reason you stumbled across it is for service or to answer some questions, please feel free to give me a call.
The Importance of Using the Right Cleanup Company
When a traumatic injury, homicide or suicide occurs, it is imperative that a licensed, bonded and insured company is [...]
2012: The Year of Biohazard Awareness
The new year is approaching very quickly and it is my goal for this year to be one of getting information and aid to those who encounter biohazardous situations.